piku taw

piku taw

Thông tin cá nhân

Tuổi: 28
Ngày sinh: Ngày 26 tháng 3

Thông tin về tôi:

My name is "Piku". I'm a Thai native speaker.

I'm looking for language a learning partner(Spanish,Korean).

And I'm willing to answer a question about Thai things from everyone . :)

P.S. This account is not often active. Sorry for a slow response. (Email: pbme0357@gmail.com)

P.S. The display picture isn't mine. He's the drummer of DVICIO, Luis Gonzalvo.

recently, Luis inspired me to study Spanish.

P.S. I'm not using this website to make an appointment with any condition.

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  • Tiếng Thái | Bản ngữ

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